Found: 41 thesis records, listed in most-recent order. Click on a thesis's title to display full details.
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Brennan, An oratorio at the court of Charles VI in Vienna (1714): ‘L’umilta coronata’ by Antonio Lotti (MA, University College Dublin, 1996). Thesis submission ID 194, last updatedEllen
MacIsaac, Donal Og: clubs, competitions and constraints (MA, University College Dublin, in progress). Thesis submission ID 193, last updatedDawn
Kenny, A portfolio of compositions (MA, University College Dublin, 1996). Thesis submission ID 188, last updatedTherese
Skehan, American film music from 1975 to 1995 (MA, University College Dublin, 1996). Thesis submission ID 187, last updatedJohn Gerard
Page, The symphony as the world. Mahler's Ninth Symphony as a modernist prism of social and cultural disintegration (MA, University College Dublin, 1996). Thesis submission ID 186, last updatedAndrea
Moran, Three eighteenth-century anthems from Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin (MA, University College Dublin, 1994). Thesis submission ID 185, last updatedNoreen
MacDermott, The string quartets of Brian Boydell (MA, University College Dublin, 1994). Thesis submission ID 184, last updatedEamonn Joseph
O’Keeffe, The study of musical sources: the case of Christ Church Cathedral Dublin (MA, University College Dublin, 1993). Thesis submission ID 183, last updatedPaul Joseph
Kerr, The Ardee Concert Band: its parochial and national significance considered within the context of the wind band movement in Ireland (MA, University College Dublin, 1993). Thesis submission ID 182, last updatedAdrian
Scahill, The Knotted Chord: harmonic accompaniment in printed and recorded sources of Irish traditional music (PhD, University College Dublin, 2005). Thesis submission ID 156, last updatedDavid
Larkin, Wagner and Liszt: Musical Symbiosis in Action? (MLitt, University College Dublin, 2001). Thesis submission ID 814, last updatedÚna-Frances
Clarke, The development of symphonic sonata form from Mahler to Shostakovich (PhD, University College Dublin, 2011). Thesis submission ID 132, last updatedHelen
Lyons, State of the Harp: The Irish Harp in the Twenty First Century (MA, University College Dublin, 2006). Thesis submission ID 121, last updatedHelen
Lyons, Contemporary Irish Harping (PhD, University College Dublin, 2010). Thesis submission ID 808, last updatedThomas
Lawrence, The history of the guitar in Ireland: 1760-1866 (PhD, University College Dublin, 1999). Thesis submission ID 117, last updatedDavid
Mooney, The pursuit of ultimate expression: the works of Poldowski (Lady Irene Dean Paul) 1879-1932 (PhD, University College Dublin, 1999). Thesis submission ID 105, last updated