Thesis submission ID 868 | created | last updated

Sorcha Curtin, Initiatives in the teaching and learning of Irish traditional music: an investigation of their origins, growth and impact in the community of West Clare
MA, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2015

Volumes, pp.: 1 (117pp.)  
Supervisor(s): Geraldine Cotter
Repository (hard copy): Mary Immaculate College Library

General specialism: Music Education
Key terms, places: Miltown Malbay (Clare)
Key terms, institutions: Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy, oidhreacht an Chláir

This study explores the manner in which teaching and learning initiatives in Irish traditional music impact on the West Clare area of Ireland. Two initiatives form the focus of this research, Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy (SSWC) and Oidhreacht an Chláir (OaC). Both are located within the town of Miltown-Malbay in West Clare. The research first examines the origins of these initiatives and how they have evolved over time. It then explores how their organisational committees work as communities of practice, a term coined by Wenger (1998). Finally it considers possible future indicators for the development of these initiatives.
The research method consists of 10 semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, both completed by the same participants. The data is supported by relevant literature from teaching and learning, sociological and historical perspectives.
Qualitative findings suggest that both SSWC and OaC have impacted on West Clare in a positive manner. The findings also suggest that the organisational committees of both initiatives operate as communities of practice and that these initiatives will continue to develop into the future. It is hoped that connections can be made between these initiatives and professional development.
Thesis submission ID 868