Thesis submission ID 458 | created | last updated

Carmel Thynne, Exploring the value of music technology in the Irish primary school on music education and practice: a case study
MEd, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2006

Volumes, pp.: 1 (129pp.)  
Repository (hard copy): Mary Immaculate College Library

General specialism: Music Education

Over the years technology has become integrated into most subjects in the Primary Curriculum in Ireland. Music is the exception. Even though the 1999 Music Curriculum encourages the use of Information and Communication technology in music education, music software is still a rare phenomenon in Irish schools. This case study was undertaken to evaluate the use of musical software with young children in order to assess the value of its inclusion in music education in primary schools.
The relevancy of music technology to primary level music education was explored and assessed. This study used a qualitative approach. Empirical data was collected from students using tests, interview and observation. The paradigm was computer directed lessons in association with teacher directed lessons.
The study establishes that technology is a valuable asset to educators as a facilitator of student learning. It reinforces and supports learning and enhances motivation.
Thesis submission ID 458