Thesis submission ID 878 | created | last updated

Ogun Morkoc, Radio music policies of Irish public service broadcasting: a comparison between 1930s and 2010s
MA, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016

Volumes, pp.: 1 (105pp.)  
Supervisor(s): Tony Langlois
Repository (hard copy): Mary Immaculate College Library

General specialism: Musicology
Key terms, concepts: radio broadcasting, music policy

Public service broadcasting has been a major form of broadcasting in Ireland. Its policies have directly influenced the cultural formation of Irish society in changing historical contexts. This research investigates how and to what extent these policies have been influenced by the surrounding historical conditions; and focuses on the radio music policies of Irish public service broadcasting in two different historical periods: the 1930s and the 2010s. The methodology of the research is based on the comparison of these two periods. Each period is investigated separately by employing historical analysis and quantitative and qualitative methods. The historical analysis focuses on the primary characteristics of the national and international context of the period. Quantitative analysis is used to obtain data related with the radio music output of the broadcaster. Quantitative analysis interprets the findings of quantitative analyses putting the historical analysis in the background. The results of two separately conducted analyses is compared and contrasted in the conclusion.
Thesis submission ID 878