Found: 54 thesis records, listed in most-recent order. Click on a thesis's title to display full details.
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Westvall, Webs of musical significance: a study of student-teachers' musical socialisation in Ireland and Sweden (PhD, St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, 2007). Thesis submission ID 246, last updatedSandie
Purcell, Portfolio of original compositions with research essay: influences and organising principles in selected chamber music of Dr. Gráinne Mulvey and their influence on my own composition (MA, St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, 2006). Thesis submission ID 245, last updatedDaniel
Walsh, The Design and Evaluation of Prototype Software for Teaching and Learning Chord Progression in Music (MA, St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, 2004). Thesis submission ID 244, last updatedKevin
O’Connell, Techniques of a Musical Language (PhD, St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, 2007). Thesis submission ID 124, last updated