Found: 36 thesis records, listed in most-recent order. Click on a thesis's title to display full details.
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Vivien A.
Hewitt, The theatres of Leghorn between the Enlightenment and the Risorgimento 1782-1848 (MPhil, Queen’s University Belfast, 1995). Thesis submission ID 164, last updatedDermot R.
Gault, Anton Bruckner's concept of the symphony as exemplified by his revisions of his Symphonies 3,4 and 8 (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 1994). Thesis submission ID 163, last updatedW. Robert
Gilmore, Harry Partch, the early vocal works, 1930-33 (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 1992). Thesis submission ID 162, last updatedDamian A.
Frame, The Harmoniemusik of Georg Druschetzky (1745-1819) (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 1992). Thesis submission ID 161, last updatedJoseph
McKee, The organ in Ulster, a survey (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 1991). Thesis submission ID 160, last updatedJoseph
McKee, The choral foundation of Armagh cathedral : 1600-1870. (MA, Queen’s University Belfast, 1982). Thesis submission ID 817, last updatedKieran A.
Daly, Lyra Ecclesiastica: bulletin of the Irish Society of St Cecilia (MA, Queen’s University Belfast, 1991). Thesis submission ID 159, last updatedPhilip
Graydon, Richard Strauss's Die ägyptische Helena: Context and Contemporary Critical Reception. (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 2004). Thesis submission ID 131, last updatedAlison
Dunlop, Gottlieb Muffat (1690-1770): A Companion to the Sources (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 2010). Thesis submission ID 122, last updatedLuca
Forcucci, The Third Kind: What You Hear Is Not What You See, Space As An Element Of Composition (MA, Queen’s University Belfast, 2007). Thesis submission ID 103, last updatedKaren
Power, Acoustic and Electroacoustic Composition (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, 2009). Thesis submission ID 100, last updated