Found: 7 thesis records, listed in most-recent order. Click on a thesis's title to display full details.
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Power, Composing America: Patriotism, Mythology, and Piety in the Film Scores of John Williams (PhD, Maynooth University, 2024). Thesis submission ID 969, last updatedRoslyn
Steer, Beyond Boundaries: The Aesthetics of the Scream in the Music of the Second Viennese School (PhD, Maynooth University, 2022). Thesis submission ID 944, last updatedCathal
Twomey, 'To Catch the Song': Word-Setting, Creative Collaboration, and the Reader-Listener in Handel's English-Language Works (PhD, Maynooth University, 2021). Thesis submission ID 936, last updatedCathal
Mullan, Poetry Into Song: Word-Music Relations in Settings of Goethe's Faust by Wagner and his Contemporaries (1832-1840) (PhD, Maynooth University, 2018). Thesis submission ID 914, last updatedEmma
Scanlon, Pianism Reimagined: an analytical inquiry of left-hand piano through the career and commissions of Paul Wittgenstein (PhD, Maynooth University, 2018). Thesis submission ID 903, last updatedShane
Byrne, Portfolio of Electroacoustic Compositions with Commentaries (PhD, Maynooth University, 2018). Thesis submission ID 902, last updatedBrian
Connolly, Playing the Ear: Non-Linearities of the Inner Ear and their Creative Potential (PhD, Maynooth University, 2016). Thesis submission ID 901, last updated